Ways To Give

Become a donor and give back to our area, support our community.
Make the Viroqua Area a Better Place to Live, Learn, Work and Play.

In Your Will

To make a financial contribution in your Will, please use the following terminology:

"I bequeath [insert your financial Gift $ amount here... ] to the Viroqua Area Foundation, a nonprofit community foundation whose address is: P.O. Box 262 Viroqua, WI 54665"

The Vital Role Of Philanthropy

Philanthropy not only facilitates change; the vital role of philanthropy is to lead change. Creating a fund with the Viroqua Area Foundation, you invest in your community’s future and create positive change in our area.  The Viroqua Area Foundation provides the expertise to help you meet your personal goals and award grants that will better serve the greater Viroqua area.  Your gift will assist in improving our community throughout our lifetime and continue improving our community for future generations.  All of the accomplishments of the Viroqua Area Foundation are due to the generosity of our partners, friends and supporters.


(click links to learn more):

(1) Establish Your Own New Fund

(2) Community & Scholarship Funds

  • Temporarily Restricted/Designated by Donor Funds

  • Unrestricted/Undesignated by Donor Funds

  • Donor Advised Fund